Wednesday, 11 May 2016

On site practical dangerous goods training with simulated training drills provided by DGSA

During these drills we created a scenario with a leaking container carrying Class 8 of PGI with toxic (poisonous) fumes. Emergency personnel were trained on readiness, emergency preparedness, application of various regulations. Containment, evacuation procedures and emergency procedures to adopt. This training took into account IMDG, ERG and ISPS.
Do you ship, store, handle, transport dangerous goods? Is your Company ready to handle an accident? 
Dangerous Goods South Africa (DGSA). The experts in dangerous goods training. Providing training Worldwide.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

2016 starts off with a bang!

Happy New Year! Let's hope it will be one with less incidence and more training, compliance and awareness.

The new year have started off with yet another huge chemical fire at one of Brazil's busiest Ports. Not only does this impact the environment severely, but impedes trade and ultimately affects the local economy. It's always a lose/lose situation. An avoidable one if the necessary rules are complied with.

If you've attended my classes, you will remember my training: Compliance with the Regulations do not only help to ensure the free movement of dangerous goods, but also the free movement of all goods where dangerous goods share a common storage and shipping environment. This is a prime example in the Santos fire. 

From myself, I want to wish everyone the very best for 2016!

Here is the news article on the Santos fire: